World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Praying for prodigals

August 30, 2022

“Through your teaching, I accepted Christ at only 13 years old. My family disagreed, but with your teaching I was able to move ahead."

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From hurt to hope

August 29, 2022

“I was abused by my husband for many years. Your teachings bring healing to my deep hurts. You give me hope for the future."

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Pray for new hearts in Taiwan

August 26, 2022

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” -Ezekiel 36:26

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God is with us

August 19, 2022

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Our final stop on this week’s prayer trek through southern Asia is Tamil Nadu. Sit a minute and meet with a recent widower, Biyyani.

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Hearing about God in unlikely places

August 15, 2022

Where did you first hear about Jesus? From a parent, friend, or neighbor? A listener named Dipamoni heard of Him from the most unlikely of places … a television news show in Assam, India.

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Praying for Muslims in Chad

August 09, 2022

When God’s Word goes out on THRU the BIBLE, we never know who is listening … but we’re always delightfully surprised by the results. Today as we pray on our knees through the country of Chad, thank God for Muslims like this one who are listening and learning alongside us on the Bible Bus.

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Don’t give up

August 08, 2022

Are you facing great difficulties today? Are people not responding to you as you think they should? Are circumstances so difficult you’re ready to walk away? You aren’t alone. Here’s what we hear from Salvador in Equatorial Guinea.

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God already knows the outcome

August 05, 2022

“My father and I argued a lot when he would not allow me to attend church or be together with my Christian friends. These disagreements were the cause of much stress within our family.”

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