World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

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December 31, 2018

In 2018, we traveled on our knees around the world, country to country. Thank you for your fellowship and faithfulness on the journey!

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A prayer for the new year

December 28, 2018

God opens two alternatives to any man who is living in difficult days. You and I will have to do one of the two. Men in difficult days will either faint or they will pray. Either there will be days of fear or days of faith. –Dr. J. Vernon McGee

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Praising God in the midst of difficulty

December 25, 2018

When the angels declared “good tidings of great joy which will be to all people” as they announced Jesus’ birth in that Bethlehem field, they modeled how God’s grace would be shared with people from every country on earth.

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Share good tidings of great joy for all people

December 21, 2018

Just as the Apostle Paul encouraged the Corinthians with the process of how someone comes to salvation and growth (“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase,” 1 Corinthians 3:6), we too can be encouraged to see how Hamlig, a brother in Christ in Gyumri, Armenia, came to his new life in Christ.

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An exciting day to come

December 20, 2018

Today we’re thanking God for how He is at work in the Netherlands, or Holland, as it was formerly called. This northern European nation has historically deep Christian roots but has fallen a bit into spiritual apathy masked simply as “tolerance.”

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New life from tragedy

December 18, 2018

How did you come to the Lord? Everyone’s testimony is a miracle, and it never grows old to hear about how God gets our attention and meets our spiritual need.

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Praying for pastors

December 12, 2018

In the small and landlocked country of eSwatini (formerly Swaziland), trained pastors and church leaders are hard to find. So as we continue our month-long celebration of praise, let’s remember to thank God for those who are answering His call.

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