World Prayer Today

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Into the “Land of the Rising Sun”

October 04, 2018

We travel today in our prayer journey to the Land of the Rising Sun, where the gods of Shintoism imprison many minds and the temples of Buddhism capture many hearts. We’re praying today that God brings life to the beautiful people of Japan.

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Praying for Morocco’s youth

September 27, 2018

Known as the gateway to Africa, Morocco’s sparkling seas and ancient sandstone buildings attract more than 10 million travelers each year. But despite its romantic reputation, Morocco can be a difficult place to live.

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New technology reacquaints us with old friends

September 10, 2018

To many visitors, Suffolk, England, seems lost in time. So it may surprise you that it’s here amongst the picturesque villages, lavish Tudor mansions, and charming old world seaside escapes that new technology is being used to share the gospel.

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