World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Discover the promise of Psalm 62

February 12, 2018

God’s Word tells us that, “[The Lord] only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be moved.” Welcome to World Prayer Today as we travel to Albania and meet with Ilda, a young woman who clings to these words in Psalm 62:6.

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“It always makes me happy . . .”

February 09, 2018

Today on our World Prayer Tour, we visit the sub-Saharan country of Ghana. Surprisingly, Ghana’s official language is English, but more than seven million—about a quarter of the population—speak Twi.

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Still walking with Jesus!

February 08, 2018

Have you heard it said that the Christian life is not a sprint—it’s a marathon!? “Jack,” a listener to the Umbundu broadcast of Thru the Bible, understands what this means.

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Sound the trumpet!

February 06, 2018

“Thanks for loudly sounding the trumpet!” That’s what a faithful man of God in Ethiopia wrote us. His letter is a great reminder that the Word of God will not return void—it will always accomplish God’s purpose.

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Our surprising life stories . . .

February 05, 2018

If we were each asked to write our life story, none of us would have written ours the way it’s turning out. That’s the truth for a young man in Cape Verde, Africa. His life is so different—he calls it a miracle.

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Praying for struggling churches in Quebec

February 01, 2018

As we land in the Canadian province of Quebec today, we are met by Thru the Bible’s French producer, Rejean Joly, who asks us to pray that God’s Word will reach more people in northeastern Canada and bring a sense a of unity and growth among the struggling churches.

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Finding freedom from sin

January 29, 2018

Our journey this week brings us home to North America where we have the privilege of praising God and praying with our neighbors and friends.

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A new day in Ulaanbaatar

January 24, 2018

Today we celebrate God’s faithfulness as we pray for the people in Mongolia, as many are hearing Thru the Bible’s broadcast for the first time.

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Finding peace in Palestine

January 18, 2018

Choosing to follow Christ in the Palestinian Territories isn’t an easy decision. Many Christians live with the threat of attack and betrayal no matter where they turn.

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