World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Prayer needed for Christians in Iraq

January 16, 2018

Thanks for joining us on our world prayer tour where today we’re asking God to comfort, strengthen, and encourage our Christian brothers and sisters in Iraq … particularly those who are in danger because of their faith.

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Join us in praying for Lebanon

January 15, 2018

Today our world prayer journey brings us to the mysterious country of Lebanon where we meet with a young woman named Sarah who faithfully listens to Thru the Bible.

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It took a long time . . . but thank you!

January 11, 2018

Bontov, a young man in Uzbekistan, was brought up to believe in many gods who were to be feared. When he first heard about Jesus Christ, it took a long time to process the different thinking that led him to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.

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Who teaches the teachers?

January 10, 2018

Who teaches the Bible teachers in isolated places? Praise God for programs like Thru the Bible that minister to those who are in turn ministering to people in spiritually barren places.

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Praying for single parents

January 04, 2018

“I am a divorced woman and I have five children. Often I do not know how to teach my children about spiritual things and have begun to listen to your program for guidance."

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A great gift

December 26, 2017

“This journey has been a gift. In the beginning I thought that my daily prayer time for people around the world was for them. Now I see how it’s changing me."

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A warm welcome in Kyrgyzstan

December 20, 2017

“Welcome World Prayer Team, I’m glad to have you visit us in Kyrgyzstan.” That’s the warm welcome we receive from the producer of our Central Asian Russian broadcasts as we touch down in the capital city of Bishkek today.

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