World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Good news from Algeria

December 14, 2023

Sharing God’s Word throughout the Muslim world is dangerous and can often seem futile. So together let’s rejoice with our Arabic language team.

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A heavenly taste

December 13, 2023

In a country where culture and religion continue to divide people, Bible-believing Christians in Bosnia and Herzegovina are often viewed with suspicion.

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Praying for others to “get it”

December 08, 2023

As we travel the world on our knees, asking God to reach His whole world with His whole Word, our prayers often resemble Paul’s in Ephesians, chapter 1. We ask the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of understanding in all those who hear His Word.

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Where to find freedom and joy

December 06, 2023

If you hopped aboard the Bible Bus today, you heard Gregg and Steve give us plenty of reason to praise and thank God! Here’s another great story from Ameera in Algeria.

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“I am a changed man”

December 01, 2023

“I am a changed man.” That’s the good news we received from a listener named Roton who hops about the Bible Bus in the language of Bengali.

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God’s Word doesn’t return void

November 30, 2023

Today as our journey brings us to India, we’re celebrating God’s Word that is reaching millions around the world on THRU the BIBLE. Let’s rejoice in those who are responding in faith, like Sanjay who recently hopped aboard the Bible Bus in his language of Chhattisgarhi.

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His awesome works

November 29, 2023

“My body and spirit were weak, and that’s when God showed up.” That’s the story we hear from Namono in Uganda.

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The precious blood of Jesus

November 28, 2023

How did you come to believe in Jesus Christ? Through a family member? A teacher? At church? Our stories are likely very different, but the result is the same: We were once far from God and now we are near.

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Answered prayers in India

November 27, 2023

As we travel on our knees thanking God for His work in the hearts and lives of our fellow Bible Bus passengers, a listener in India wants to thank you.

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He waits with open arms

November 24, 2023

Welcome, Prayer Team. Today as our journey of praise continues, we stop and rejoice with a listener in Africa who joins us on the Bible Bus in Kinyarwanda.

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