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July 05, 2023
“For many years I felt inadequate in my Christian life. I didn’t think I had much to offer.”
That’s the beginning of a letter we received from a listener who hops aboard the Bible Bus in her language of Swahili.
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July 04, 2023
No matter our age, there are times in life that demand we grow up and face our circumstances with courage and maturity. It’s the same with our spiritual lives, too.
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July 03, 2023
God’s Word can bring change in our life when nothing else can or will. Spending time focusing on Him helps us to see ourselves and everyone around us differently. That’s what we hear from Psalm 19, and it’s also what we hear from a listener in Kenya today.
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June 30, 2023
On previous travels through the country of Lesotho, we’ve learned although the majority of people claim to follow Jesus, many also practice ancestor worship and are involved with the occult. So how should we pray?
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June 29, 2023
“I was too busy for God.” That’s what we hear from Kaya as the World Prayer Team travels through South Africa.
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June 28, 2023
Do you remember the first time you discovered the truth of John 14:6? When you first believed and became a child of God? How did you feel? Excited? Relieved? Overwhelmed?
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June 27, 2023
There are many great metaphors in the Bible about God’s Word (a light, a sword, a mirror … can you name more?). There are also many great metaphors used by our fellow listeners to describe our studies THRU the BIBLE (a deep dive, a slow drip, a marathon … to name a few).
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June 26, 2023
“The Spirit of God is called to help you, to strengthen you, to relieve the loneliness, ease the grief, and calm your fears. He is your advocate in time of fear and trouble. He will be with you in the desperate hour of life.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee
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June 23, 2023
As we travel through God’s entire Word, we get a complete picture of who God is, and He speaks to us sometimes in ways we never imagined. That’s what we hear today from Peter in Germany.
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June 22, 2023
If you hopped aboard the Bible Bus this morning you heard Gregg and Steve thank you, our World Prayer Team members, and share a few letters from our fellow passengers in the Netherlands.
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June 21, 2023
Welcome to France! Today as we gather to pray and praise our Lord, here is some encouragement from a fellow listener who signed his initials A.S.
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June 20, 2023
Life is hard, but biblical truth is the prescription we need for a hurting world and hurting hearts. That’s what we hear from a listener in the United Kingdom.
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June 19, 2023
“Life was beginning to feel meaningless. The days ran together, and very little joy was found in them.” That’s the story we hear from Simon in Austria.
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June 16, 2023
Welcome, World Prayer Team, today we stop in Arizona and meet with a fellow passenger named Leon.
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June 15, 2023
God has a better purpose and design for our lives than we can imagine. That’s what we’re learning on the Bible Bus as we travel through the book of Job, and it’s also what Galen in Seattle, Washington is learning, too.
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June 14, 2023
In his booklet, “How to Understand the Bible,” Dr. McGee tells us that meditation is something God expects of His people. In Deuteronomy 6, He says: “His Word was to be with them at all times.”
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June 13, 2023
When God says no to a specific request, it can be hard to hear. The Apostle Paul knew this too well. In 2 Corinthians 12, he said he asked God to heal him three times, but God had other plans.
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June 12, 2023
“A life that pleases God must be lived in His power and not ours. The Holy Spirit’s job is to deliver us from frustration and failure.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee
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June 09, 2023
As we complete our prayer tour through northern Europe, we return to the country of Sweden and pray for the many immigrants who study God’s Word with us.
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June 08, 2023
If you’ve prayed with us for the Sami people in Norway and never done an internet search for photos, you’re missing out. The vibrance of their culture radiates in each photograph, and the information you’ll glean about their traditions and culture is fascinating.
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