World Prayer Today

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God’s Word is relevant … even in Sweden

June 07, 2023

If you hopped aboard the Bible Bus on Monday, you heard Gregg and Steve talk about how God is answering our prayers in Sweden. While THRU the BIBLE is making a difference in the lives of listeners of many different languages, there is still is much to pray about.

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Praying Luke 9:25 in Finland

June 05, 2023

For six years Finland has held the title of “happiest country on earth.” Those who recognize this honor measure indicators such as health, life expectancy, GDP per capita, social support, low corruption, generosity in a community where people look after each other, and freedom to make key life decisions.

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Pray for our team in Latvia

May 26, 2023

After decades of communism, the collapse of the Soviet Union brought freedom and hope to Latvia. However, after some short-lived religious movements, most Latvians fell prey to spiritual apathy.

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The power of the cross

May 23, 2023

When the Apostle Paul described his message, he said “we preach Christ crucified.” We really have nothing else to offer the world except what Jesus Christ accomplished when He died in our place.

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Praying for the shalom of Israel

May 19, 2023

Today, our prayer journey takes us to the most spiritually significant country on earth—Israel. Three continents meet here. Three faiths claim their beginnings here through Abraham.

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Do you yearn for more?

May 12, 2023

As our journey through southern Asia ends today, we stop and rejoice with an extended family that hops aboard the Bible Bus with us in their language of Kannada.

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Giving what we’ve got

May 11, 2023

Hop aboard the Bible Bus this month as we travel through 2 Corinthians and you’ll hear Paul talk about the benefits believers receive when they wholeheartedly and happily give to God’s work.

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