World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Cubans need our prayers

February 09, 2024

In previous prayer journeys, we’ve learned that worshiping God in Cuba isn’t easy. In fact, many Christians risk loss of work or the inability to apply for top jobs and are denied access to universities. Some even face imprisonment.

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What is God doing in your life?

February 06, 2024

One of the ways we know the Bible is true is the way it works in our lives: teaching us, guiding us, and correcting us. A listener in Aruba tells us what God is doing in his life.

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The secret to contentment

February 01, 2024

“Want to know the secret to real contentment? Make Christ the center of your life. If you spend time in the questionable things of this world, your life will lack meaning and power. Instead, invest time thinking about Jesus and His Word and your contentment will grow.”

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A rare response from Sweden

January 22, 2024

Since 1994, THRU the BIBLE has aired God’s Word in Sweden with very few responses. That’s why it’s especially sweet when we hear from listeners like Gillis.

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Who introduced you to the Lord?

January 15, 2024

Do you have a spiritual role model? Have you considered mentoring someone? As we thank God for His Word going out in South America today, Mario in Venezuela shares the story of the one person who made a difference in his faith.

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