World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

When faith falters

April 03, 2024

As Christians, how do we go on with joy and confidence? Benecio in Buenos Aires, Argentina, encourages us to begin with the end in mind.

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He is risen

March 29, 2024

Resurrection Sunday is a time to celebrate. Once we see Jesus for who He is—the Son of God who died for our sin and rose from the grave—we are never the same.

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Jesus conquered all … for us

March 27, 2024

Sometimes life is just hard. Yet as dark as things get, we can be assured that God loves us. He is with us and death, loneliness, and despair do not have the final victory. Jesus conquered them.

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The miracle of salvation

March 25, 2024

It’s an exciting week here on World Prayer Today. Each day as we count down to Resurrection Sunday, we’ll celebrate the miracle of salvation, told through stories of faith from around the world.

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What one word describes God’s love?

March 18, 2024

Quick—pick one word to define God’s love. Only one! What would you pick? Extravagant? Reckless? Outrageous? Lavish? Overflowing? A listener in Kazakhstan recently wrote to tell us He is all those things and more.

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