World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Waking up and walking wisely

November 14, 2023

“As a young man I was conscious of God, but I did not really know Him. I created an image of Him that was acceptable to my lifestyle and my choices. So, I lusted after women, lied when it suited me, and almost lost my family and marriage."

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He seeks and saves us

November 10, 2023

“I have never studied the Word of God before, but in the hospital, I heard your teaching and became interested,” says a listener of THRU the BIBLE in Zimbabwe.

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Finding joy in prayer

November 03, 2023

What does your prayer list look like? How many people do you remember in prayer, even once a week? As a World Prayer Team member, your prayer life is likely established, and your list is long.

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“It’s so sweet to be saved.”

November 01, 2023

Welcome to Jordan. On previous prayer travels we’ve learned that very few in this Muslim-dominant country follow Jesus Christ, and those who do are often persecuted at work and home.

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God’s Word is going out in Yemen

October 30, 2023

Life for most Yemenis is brutal. Once known as Arabia Felix, or the “Happy Land,” today Yemen is the poorest nation in the region and faces the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.

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Proof God answers prayers

October 24, 2023

When you pray with us for God’s Word to reach His whole world, He answers. Want proof? Listen to this story from a fellow Bible Bus passenger in Ireland.

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“Am I too late?”

October 23, 2023

No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, it’s never too late to turn to God. Your checkered past, your foolish mistakes—they don’t matter. The only person who can’t be forgiven is the one who doesn’t turn to receive it by faith.

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