World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Where do you turn when tragedy strikes?

May 11, 2018

Sometimes it’s the deepest valleys in our lives that bring us to the highest mountaintops. Thanks for joining us today as we travel to the city of Tiruchi in Tamil Nadu, India, on our worldwide prayer journey.

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An atheist finds Jesus!

May 04, 2018

“Although I grew up attending church, I rejected Christ in my college years and professed to be an atheist until my 40’s when I began listening to Thru the Bible."

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The one thing we should forget

May 02, 2018

“It’s been over 50 years since the Spirit of God drew me into His sheltered dwelling place. Jesus said He would never leave me or forsake me. And I’m here to say that He has been proven true to His Word."

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