World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Life is hard, but God is good

September 27, 2023

Life is hard, but God is good. That’s what we’re learning as we study the Psalms together on the Bible Bus, and that’s also what we hear from a listener in Nigeria.

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Challenge accepted

September 26, 2023

“Your teaching gives me hope and courage. I heard you challenge us to share the love of God with our neighbors, and I gladly accept."

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Learning to let our anxiety go

September 22, 2023

No matter who we are or where we live, at some point anxiety has likely crept into our lives. Whatever it is that keeps us in pain and from peace, God loves us so much He offers to take the burden from us.

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Our days are in His capable hands

September 20, 2023

“By studying the Bible, I understand God’s plan for the past and His plan for the future. This equips me to get through the present.” That’s the start of an email we recently received from a listener named Natalia in Ukraine.

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No room for worry

September 18, 2023

At some point in our lives, most of us will suffer through sleepless nights and fretful days with a worry on our mind that won’t go away. Sound familiar? Svetlana, a listener in Russia, thinks so.

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God’s Word is being watered in the deserts of Iraq

September 13, 2023

If you’ve been on the Bible Bus very long, you’ve likely heard our president Gregg Harris talk about Dr. McGee’s simple and biblical mandate to “fling the seed” (God’s Word) as far and wide as possible, and then leave the results to the Lord.

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One small change leads to big results

September 11, 2023

Work, school, meals, errands, chores, repeat. Family life is busy! Sometimes it’s hard to find the extra time to spend in God’s Word together. That’s the story of a family in Armenia, but one small change yielded big results.

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Building a legacy of faith

September 07, 2023

“There is a point in a man’s life when he realizes he needs to make his faith his own.” That’s the start of an email we received from Paul in Odisha, India.

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Is God listening?

September 04, 2023

Are you convinced God is listening to your prayers? Waiting on Him can be hard work and at times even test our faith. That’s the story we hear from a listener in Bangladesh.

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How to understand the Bible

September 01, 2023

As we journey together THRU the BIBLE, one of the important lessons we learn is that regardless of our IQ or the extent of our education, only God can open up the Word of God for us to really understand it.

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