World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Join us for a feast of blessings

November 24, 2022

“A feast of blessings.” That’s what THRU the BIBLE’s president, Gregg Harris, recently called the emails, texts, letters, voicemails, and videos we receive from listeners all over the world.

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How firm a foundation

November 23, 2022

At the beginning of every program, we’re called aboard the Bible Bus with the grand anthem, “How Firm a Foundation.” Have you ever listened to the words? Have you ever wondered why that hymn?

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Finding grace in the middle of grief

November 16, 2022

“Will our lives ever be the same? Will our family ever laugh again? How do we get through this?” These are the questions Seetha and her family faced after the sudden loss of her brother-in-law.

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The celebration begins

November 14, 2022

As our 2022 World Prayer journey nears an end, we’re taking the next few weeks to reflect and thank God for what He’s doing in our hearts and the lives of our fellow listeners.

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Why do you study the Bible?

November 11, 2022

Why do you study the Bible? To know God better? To recognize His voice? To guard yourself against false teaching? To follow Jesus? There are so many, many good reasons.

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Asking God to guard and guide Somali believers

November 08, 2022

For more than 25 years, Somalia has been a safe haven for Islamic militants who relentlessly target Christians. The small number who do come to faith are considered high-value targets of terrorist groups and often are intensely pressured by family members. The result? Most live in carefully guarded secrecy.

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Taking great risks in Qatar

November 03, 2022

In Qatar, converting to Christianity means losing everything, and the small number of believers who do must gather covertly for teaching and worship. Although sharing the gospel with Muslims is strictly forbidden, some Christians still take great risks to evangelize Qatari citizens.

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Come praise God in Azerbaijan

November 01, 2022

God is doing great things in Azerbaijan. As we visit the cosmopolitan capital of Baku and drive through the nearby villages surrounded by apple orchards, we hear how God is raising up an Azeri church that loves Him.

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God’s hand in Yemen is evident

October 31, 2022

Bombings, displacements, lack of clean water, rampant disease, corruption, food scarcity … these are just a few of the crises facing people in Yemen today. And, as we’ve learned on previous World Prayer journeys, life for Christians is even more difficult.

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Stop worrying, start praying

October 28, 2022

“In my thirties I began to develop a lot of fears. I was beginning to lose any joy I had in my life. My mother-in-law pulled me aside one day and said I needed to listen to your programs and learn to trust God."

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