World Prayer Today

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The upside to traffic

July 28, 2022

“Most people swear at traffic and congested freeways and stalemates. They see it as an interruption to their day. I was reminded this week of how God uses traffic, especially in my life.”

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Praying we are one with the Father

July 25, 2022

“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” -John 17:20-21

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You can count on God’s provision

July 22, 2022

“I often wondered if God valued me. I didn’t really find out until my husband left me with our three young daughters.” That’s what we hear today as we visit with Danica, a fellow traveler on the Bible Bus.

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God’s Word is …

July 20, 2022

“I grew up in a church of tradition and rituals. When I began to read the Bible on my own, I went into crisis. I immediately noticed the differences between what my church taught us and what God’s Word teaches us. I was devastated.”

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Praying big things in Montenegro

July 19, 2022

A small country with huge potential. That’s how many describe Montenegro. However, in order to thrive, it must avoid the hatred among ethnic and religious communities that cripples most nations of the Balkan region.

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Does God hear our prayers?

July 15, 2022

With one of the highest number of churches per square mile in the world, there’s no lack of spiritual resources in Jamaica. Even so, many of the nation’s professing Christians do not regularly attend church and fail to pursue lives of holiness. So today as we pray for this vibrant nation, thank God for faithful followers of His Word like Beverly.

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God can be trusted

July 13, 2022

When we are in the middle of a dry and difficult patch in life, when God seems absent from our circumstances, we can trust He is present with us. That’s what Oscar in El Salvador recently shared.

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Pray for the isolated and lonely

July 11, 2022

Isaiah 26:3 tells us that if we trust in God and keep our minds focused on Him, He will keep us in His peace. That’s also what we hear from Florestine who catches the Bible Bus from her home on the island of Nevis in the Caribbean Sea.

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Great lessons from God’s Word

July 05, 2022

“I never knew the Old Testament was so important to my life.” That’s what we hear from a THRU the BIBLE listener as the World Prayer Team travels through Rwanda today.

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When all seems lost, God can make a way

July 04, 2022

When all seems lost, God can make a way. That’s the lesson we learn today on the Bible Bus traveling through Ruth, chapter 3; and it’s also the lesson a listener in Kenya is learning as he studies God’s Word.

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