World Prayer Today

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Seeing our difficulties from God’s perspective

March 07, 2022

What difficulties are you facing today? Does life seem like a battle or an uphill climb both ways? Marsudi in Indonesia wants us to realize that despite our circumstances, God’s Word helps us remember He is there, and He always provides.

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Finding purpose in the pain

February 24, 2022

“My friend, God has purpose in how He is shaping us, and that comforts me. He has a plan, and He knows what He is doing. When God puts us on the wheel of circumstance, He means to accomplish something.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee, from our study in Jeremiah

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How to finish well

February 23, 2022

“I want to finish well.” That’s what we hear today from a listener named Katerina as we pray our way through Greece.

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