World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Shouldn’t you write, too?

October 10, 2019

“I sooo love hearing how Thru the Bible is taking the whole Word to the whole world. I thought today, if I enjoy hearing letters so much shouldn’t I also write a letter?"

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“We’re praying up here!”

October 07, 2019

“Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I pray in French (my national language) for all the French-speaking nations. In our World Prayer tradition, I travel on my knees ..."

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Stop and pray with us for Japan

October 03, 2019

If you’ve been a member of the World Prayer Team for long, then you know broadcasting God’s Word in Japan can be difficult. But we’re grateful that when God provides a vision, He also provides a way to accomplish it.

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How is our family in Morocco?

September 26, 2019

Yes, believe it—you have family in Morocco. Brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ living in this predominantly Muslim nation may be forced to worship in secret, but as is often the case, persecution has fueled the fires of faith.

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Where’s Qatar?

September 25, 2019

It’s easy to miss Qatar on a map. Dwarfed by the neighboring countries of Saudi Arabia and Iran, Qatar hangs on the top edge of the Arabian Peninsula.

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Praying the impossible in Uzbekistan

September 20, 2019

In Matthew 19:26, Jesus said, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” And that’s the hope we’re clinging to today as we visit the country of Uzbekistan.

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Good news from the Arab world

September 13, 2019

Have you heard the new things God is doing in the Arabic-speaking world? Believe it! Peek over our shoulder at the mail we’re receiving from a people group “who once were far off [but] have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13).

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