World Prayer Today

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Back on the air in Japan

January 22, 2019

For several years we prayed for an opportunity to get back on the air in Japan. Surprisingly, this rather progressive urban country is a difficult region to reach with the Good News of Jesus.

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Pray for Palestinian Christians

January 17, 2019

Life for Palestinian Christians is downright difficult. Despite the fact that their roots trace back to pre-Islamic times, violence and extremism have forced many to flee their homes.

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You’ve got a friend in Turkmenistan

January 09, 2019

“I am enjoying your program, and I want to tell you that every time you greet us or send greetings from other listeners, I always respond back to your greetings with a friendly hello in Jesus’ name."

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Springs of life from the desert

January 08, 2019

“We are thankful for freedom of belief despite the revival and strengthening of Islam. Although the life of the church of Jesus is very limited in all countries of Central Asia, in many places new laws allow for a certain religious tolerance, and people are worshipping in peace.”

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Beauty from ashes in Armenia

January 07, 2019

If you hear beautiful rousing worship coming from a local church, it may be an Armenian fellowship. It was upon Armenian soil over 1,700 years ago that the first Christian nation was founded, and a cultural, colorful tradition continues today.

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Praying for spiritual revival in Sweden

January 04, 2019

Although the nation of Sweden takes great pride in political neutrality and a commitment to the equality of all people, sharing your faith in public can often be met with condemnation and opposition.

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