World Prayer Today

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Good news in the Netherlands

July 04, 2024

In previous prayer treks through western Europe, we’ve learned that less than 20% of Dutch people attend church regularly, and half of all church buildings have been destroyed or repurposed as taverns, mosques, etc.

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God’s daily grace

July 02, 2024

“What if?” These are two of the scariest words in the English language. What if I don’t have enough money to pay my bills? What if the tests show I have cancer? What if …? Pavel in England recently shared how he’s overcome this type of fear.

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He is our firm foundation

June 24, 2024

“My life was built on a shifting ground. Just when I thought I had it all together, everything would change.” That’s the start of a letter we recently received from Ruth, a 42-year-old woman in the Dominican Republic.

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We’re just passing through

June 21, 2024

Many people think that heaven is just a fairy tale, but the Bible reassures us it’s a real place. That’s the good news Tendai, a listener in Zimbabwe, discovered.

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Tired of doing the wrong thing?

June 20, 2024

Have good intentions, but still end up giving into bad habits or sin? You aren’t alone. Listen to this story from Angola and be encouraged by the power of God’s Word and His Spirit that can help.

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Praying for the uprooted

June 07, 2024

Jesus was no stranger to the lost and displaced … in fact He Himself was a refugee of sorts when His family sought safety in Egypt when Herod wanted to kill Jesus as a child.

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