World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Pray for fellow team members

May 09, 2024

“I was reluctant to write, simply because my story may not be as interesting or exciting as some. You have no doubt heard countless stories just like mine from other listeners.”

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Giving credit to God

May 08, 2024

When something good happens in your life, do you tell someone (or everyone) you know? Do you post it on social media? Or take photos to remember? Here’s another question: Do you give credit to God?

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A prodigal returns

May 06, 2024

It’s Letter Month at THRU the BIBLE. This week we celebrate the great things God is doing in your lives as we study His Word together and pray for it to reach others around the world.

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Live simply and faithfully

May 03, 2024

Life can be complicated. It’s easy to be a slave to deadlines, errands, events, inboxes, and to-do lists. Joon in South Korea found himself frequently overwhelmed and needed some help.

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Pray against apathy and atheism in Latvia

April 26, 2024

Apathy and atheism are the two best words to describe the spiritual climate of Latvia. Welcome, prayer warriors. As we reach our final destination in eastern Europe this week, let’s boldly pray for a divine awakening in this slumbering nation.

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The secret to the Christian life

April 24, 2024

Living a life that pleases God is impossible to do on our own. That’s what we learned when the Bible Bus traveled through Romans, and it’s what Lenke in Hungary is learning now.

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Need an infusion of hope?

April 23, 2024

Despite our circumstances, God has a future that is full of hope for those that trust in Him. That’s the message Gia in Romania is learning as she travels through God’s Word with us.

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