World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Bowing down before Him

June 07, 2022

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord,and all the families of the nations shall worship before You. -Psalm 22:27

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The peace we need

June 06, 2022

Today as we pray for THRU the BIBLE going out in Finnish, let’s ask that many find the true and lasting peace only possible in Jesus.

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What to do with our worries

June 03, 2022

“We need hope tomorrow will be brighter. We need hope that at the end of this journey there is satisfaction and fullness of life. We get it, friend, it’s available in God’s Word.” -Dr J. Vernon McGee

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Praying love for God grows in Senegal

June 02, 2022

In Senegal, more than 90% of the population follows Islam. Today as we pray our way through this diverse and spiritually open country, ask God to use His Word to take hold of listeners’ hearts.

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Pray for undivided hearts

June 01, 2022

No matter where we call home, living for God isn’t easy. A listener in Burkina Faso tells us that’s why he’s especially grateful to join us on the Bible Bus each day.

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Keep praying, God is speaking

May 31, 2022

God’s Word is being heard in Nigeria and the results are amazing. Together let’s celebrate with these listeners who join us on the Bible Bus in their language of Igbo.

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Good news from Latvia

May 27, 2022

Have you hopped aboard the Bible Bus today? If not, our study in Deuteronomy is rich in history and filled with insights about spiritual blessings that wait for every believer who will cross over Jordan by faith.

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Hate brings a change of heart

May 23, 2022

“Don’t be discouraged by hateful comments. I almost wrote one myself.” That what we hear from Alexander as we stop and pray for God’s Word to be heard in Belarus.

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The abundance of a life with God

May 18, 2022

“The more I study with you, the more my eyes are opened to the unity of the Bible, its truthfulness, and its revelation through its prophecies that had a previous and future fulfillment."

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Christianity takes courage in Oman

May 17, 2022

Compared to its neighbors, Oman enjoys a relatively open and modern society. All residents may practice their faith, and the government gave land to build places of worship. But Christians’ lives may vary greatly depending on their status and nationality.

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A prayer for Saudi Arabia

May 16, 2022

The epicenter and birthplace of Islam, Saudi Arabia holds influence over Muslims worldwide and touches many cultures. Billions of oil dollars go towards promotion of Islam around the world every year. Many say a spiritual breakthrough for Jesus Christ here would transform Islam and all who follow it.

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