World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

The difference between religion and relationship

January 25, 2021

“Please join me in praying my family and more people in my country will understand the difference between a religion and having a vibrant and growing relationship. It feels as though there are very few that follow Him with their lives.”

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When life hurts, keep talking to God

January 22, 2021

“I listen to God’s Word and pray. I feel my life will never have joy again and worry that my husband will discard me. I’m trying to trust the Lord, but it is difficult when my heart is overwhelmed with grief.”

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No one is beyond God’s reach

January 20, 2021

“To my very core, I am for Jesus and will stay with Him until the end. Pray I will be able to live with the expectations of our Lord and that someday I can share the gospel with many.”

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Nothing is too hard for God

January 14, 2021

“In school, I learned about Darwin’s Revolutionary Theory and how humans descended from a monkey. From you I learned how God created the world and everything in it.”

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