A Word from Gregg Harris | December 2019
November 27, 2019
“What are you doing today to get the Word of God out to the world?” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee, from our study in Mark 16
The longer I serve with Thru the Bible, the more it delights me to witness God’s people doing their job.
I’ve heard about people sharing Thru the Bible by renting billboards, printing bumper stickers and business cards, and playing Thru the Bible in their shops and their taxi cabs.
I’ve also been touched by people sharing that the first time they heard Thru the Bible—and perhaps the first time they understood God loved them and Jesus died for them—was when a co-worker invited them to eat lunch in their car while listening, or over a cup of coffee at a neighbor’s kitchen table.
If you’re willing to share God’s Word, God will provide the opportunity. May we all be ready with full hearts to follow in the train of this great company.
There’s plenty of room on the Bible Bus. Invite someone to join you.
And to the great group of partners who faithfully invest your prayer and your treasure in getting God’s Word to the world, God richly bless you, my beloved.
Let’s take the Good News deeper and farther in 2020.

Gregg Harris
Thru the Bible, president