A Word from Gregg Harris | August 2020
July 31, 2020
Enjoying Summer Fruit
When we receive your messages and emails, we are so encouraged to hear how God is working. If Dr. McGee was here, he would call this time “fruit inspection”—i.e. looking at how God’s Word is bearing fruit in your lives.
Here’s some recent “fruit inspection:”
Fruit: “Back into the fold”
“You have truly opened my heart to the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your inspiring words from the Bible have brought me back into the fold.” —from Lakeland, Florida
Fruit: The truth of God’s Word
“I am confused by the teaching taught in our local church saying our ancestors’ traditions have influence over our lives even if we are saved. I have learned I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. The ancestors have no power over me.” —from Kinyarwanda speaker in Rwanda
Fruit: Fellowship in the body of Christ
“Through your program I have come to know Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. It is not safe to have a church here, so I cannot thank you enough for your efforts in Iraq. Please also thank those who provide the finances and pray for us. When I feel lonely, I think about the brothers and sisters in Christ who make it possible for me to hear the gospel.” —from Margaret in Iraq
Thanks for your partnership in taking the whole Word to the whole world. It’s bearing fruit—in your life, too!

Gregg Harris
Thru the Bible, president