A Word from Gregg Harris | September 2020
September 01, 2020
Ob Portu
Long ago before modern harbors were built, a ship could not launch from port until the tide came in. They loaded the craft. The crew geared up. Then they just waited for the rising tide. The Latin term for this situation was ob portu … the English word “opportunity.”
Today we face opportunities. Each of us.
Where is God taking you?
How would God be pleased to use Thru the Bible tomorrow?
Great questions for us individually and as a ministry.
So today, dream a little. Pray more. Be ready to respond with confidence in God that will change our lives … for the rest of our lives. We can be sure that wherever God directs, He will also equip.
Staying in port is not an option. We must sail on the winds of God’s leading. Thank you for your ministry partnership and for praying with us for God’s Word to cover the earth like the waters cover the sea.
With you for the journey,

Gregg Harris
Thru the Bible, president