A Word from Gregg Harris | April 2021
March 31, 2021
Where Were You?
I know where I was when I first responded in faith to God’s Word. It was my brother’s birthday, and I was 11 years old. My older sister, Kathi, and I were sitting in our family’s laundry room. She shared the gospel with me and led me to faith in Christ. My sins were washed away in that laundry room!
When I was 20 years old, I was really delving into God’s Word and was involved with the Navigators, a campus ministry. That’s when I began listening to Dr. McGee. I especially remember driving around in my 1972 VW Beetle, hearing him say, “Here’s a letter from India …. ” I thought, “That’s amazing—people halfway around the world are listing to THRU the BIBLE!” Little did I know God would someday allow me the privilege of helping THRU the BIBLE go deeper into India … along with many other parts of the world.
That’s my story—what’s yours?
- Where were you when you first turned in faith to Jesus Christ as your Savior?
- When did you first start listening on your own to God’s Word being taught?
- When did you first get on the Bible Bus? What are you learning?
All of these details make up “our testimony,” as it’s called in Christian circles.
Do you realize that your testimony continues through today? Your story includes what you’re learning and how God’s Spirit is nudging you right now. It includes how God uses His Word to point out that specific way you can grow closer to Him, or that specific something that’s in the way.
Our prayer is that God is using your investment on the Bible Bus to grow your spiritual eyes and ears and deepen your spiritual wisdom and knowledge of God.
Together, we grow in Him—

Gregg Harris
THRU the BIBLE, president
… May [God] give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling -Ephesians 1:17-18
P.S. As always, we’d love to hear what God is teaching you as we study together. Write us soon at [email protected]