A Word from Gregg Harris | September 2022
August 23, 2022
Continuing the Book of Acts, Fearlessly
Did you read the latest about Home Groups?
The hunger for God’s Word that’s happening in the most unexpected places of the world can only be explained as a movement of God.
Last month as we closed our study of Acts, Dr. McGee reminded us, “The history of the church is not complete”—including even today as the body of Christ carries God’s Word to the ends of the earth. You and I are a part of that story. As we partner together in love and obedience to our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His final words to share the good news with everyone, we continue the wonderful book of Acts. What a privilege to be a part and to hear from those who are joining us in the family of God … listeners like those who are gathering in small groups all over India. Here’s one of my favorite letters from this month. It’s from an Urdu-speaking sister in India named Zeenet:
“We live in a Muslim village. It is not easy. Many times, my husband and boys are asked to become Muslim. We became worried about the situation. My husband’s brother had a similar situation in another village, and when he would not convert, they destroyed his business and filled his life with misery. Very few Christians live near us. When we started our home group, we experienced a strange peace of mind. Now we are filled with excitement from the power of the Holy Spirit. I have put Psalm 23:1 on my main gate as our testimony that we belong to God. We thank God for His hope that gives us courage to live fearlessly.”
Grateful for your partnership for the sake of the gospel,

Gregg Harris
THRU the BIBLE, president