A Word from Gregg Harris | June 2024
May 30, 2024
Now is the Time
“‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel … ‘ (Mark 16:15) is the message for our age. This is the time for sowing the Word of God. My business and your business is just sowing the seed.” –Dr. J. Vernon McGee
We believe this with all our hearts, and we practice it every day, as this snapshot of 2023’s financial report demonstrates. Thank you for your partnership in our clear and continuing mission to take the whole Word to the whole world.

Grateful for your partnership in the gospel,

Gregg Harris
THRU the BIBLE, president
2023 Allocations
5% | Listener Care | $1,335,589 |
8% | Administration | $2,355,361 |
23% | Domestic Ministry | $6,633,101 |
64% | Global Ministry | $18,327,770 |
| TOTAL EXPENSES | $28,651,821 |