Exciting New Changes for A Través de la Biblia
October 30, 2019
By Elisa Keefe, Director of U.S. Spanish Ministry | TWR
On February 18, 2020, A Través de la Biblia, the Latin American Bible Bus, will begin its 10th trip through the entire Bible. This new beginning brings changes we pray will help reach the next generation of listeners.
- We are excited to start our study of Revelation—always an interest to those who love to learn about prophecy. Dr. McGee’s commentary on the book of Revelation has been translated and is available for the first time in Spanish.
- We will soon introduce our Spanish audience to the World Prayer Team and encourage them to join the 10,000+ prayer team members of TTB-English who pray for people worldwide impacted by this ministry.
- We’re launching a new product we hope will be a blessing to many listeners: The entire study on a USB flash drive with four connectors—USB, compact USB, Android, and iOS. Although many in Latin America don’t have computers, they do have smartphones! This device makes the Bible Bus available to them without a computer, data, or the Internet.

- After 19 years, Lemuel Larrosa, the much-loved host of A Través de la Biblia, will be retiring and passing the baton to Jehiel Ortiz. The two will share the microphone for several months, giving us a chance to say goodbye to Lemuel and thank him for his years of ministry, and give Jehiel a proper welcome.
A Través de la Biblia is a stabilizing factor in the life of many believers in the Spanish-speaking world—especially those in countries with a high degree of instability, like Mariela who wrote:
“I am Venezuelan and I recently arrived in Argentina. When I was young, I used to listen to this program in my country, but I could no longer tune in due to government regulations over media and because Christian radio stations were disappearing. Here in Argentina I was able to find you on the Internet, and I am fascinated with the study. I thank God for you. You are a blessing to my husband and me.”
After 45 years, the Bible Bus continues to roll through the Spanish-speaking world, and A Través de la Biblia continues to tell the Bible’s story of Jesus and His love.
“It has been a continuous spiritual celebration for me to be in touch with many Hispanics who have followed A Través de la Biblia through the years. The changed lives have been thousands, and many of them we will not know until we get to heaven. We must work harder to reach many millions who still do not know the Bible.” -retiring host, Lemuel Larrosa
Know someone whose heart language is Spanish?
Tell them about A Través de la Biblia.
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