Articles & News

“A World in Crisis Turns to God’s Word”

May 29, 2021

Pandemic Stories from THRU the BIBLE’s global family

Celebrate what God was doing this year

From Serbia: “I have a friend who contracted Covid-19. He was immediately isolated from everyone, but God used this as an opportunity. My friend knew I was a Christian and called to ask me questions about God and my faith every day. His spirit was hungry, and he cried out to God.

“On my suggestion, he listened to Thru the Bible on the internet almost all day. Dr. McGee’s messages clarified many things for him. He came to know the truths from Scripture, and through them he came to know God. One evening he prayed with me, asking for God’s forgiveness of sin, and received the gift of eternal life. It was such an exciting moment for me. I saw God in action, God who is almighty and who can reverse even the most difficult situations. After three weeks, my friend recovered physically, but spiritually he was a completely new person.

“I hope everyone who hears Thru the Bible will not worry or complain. We should believe God. He is powerful and He loves us. Jesus died for us—God gave His Son so we would have eternal life, and He will not deprive us of anything. I thank God for this wonderful Bible teaching. In my affected country where most have lost faith and hope, we need the Bible more than anything. May God richly bless you and all who partner with you.”

A teenager in Nepal turns to Jesus: “Covid-19 means bad news to many people, but for me it has brought the Good News. One morning this summer I awoke to a polite and gentle voice on the radio. It was the beginning of my journey with you. I listened three months straight. I am now a Christian and love the Lord Jesus Christ. I am a Nepali girl,19 years old. My whole family is orthodox in Hindu practices. The fact that I dared to accept Jesus Christ as the one and only God and during the lockdown is not a happy decision for my family, but I continue to press on. I have found life and will not turn away.”

From the Democratic Republic of Congo, a listener on the Lingala Bible Bus wrote: “Covid-19 paralyzed all our church activities. We were hostage and have longed for freedom. But we can still pray! So, our family began a serious endeavor. We listened every evening to your Bible study and then prayed together, sometimes late into the night. Mostly we prayed for God’s Word to be heard by many who normally don’t take time to read the Bible or think about God but now had the time because of the lockdown. This prayer time is now a highlight of our family life together. In an odd way, we are grateful for the lockdown—it’s helped us focus on what is important.”

From Africa, a Tigrinya listener in Eritrea writes: “We are not frightened of this pandemic, because we know God is in control. As Dr. McGee said, “The peace of God guards us like a sentinel on duty, protecting us in life’s most worrisome trials.” As a result of Covid-19, life became difficult, and many were scared. But your program is our friend, comforter, and Bible school in this bad time. God knew of the pandemic, and He prepared us for this opportunity to hear and learn His Word. I know many tuning in because they are restless or fearful. Some have never heard the name of Jesus. God is using this time and your program to reach them. Glory be to Him forever!”

From Costa Rica: “My country is terrified because of Covid-19. Some are desperate not knowing what to do and listen to preposterous suggestions by false prophets. But we as Christians are blessed because we have the Word of God. We listen to Thru the Bible. Even non-believers listen and realize Jesus is the only solution for the challenges of this world.”