What's Happening at THRU the BIBLE| September 2022
August 23, 2022
New Ministry Tool: A Bible Bus Pass
Inviting others to join us on the Bible Bus has long been a common practice for our THRU the BIBLE family. Story after story can be told of how God uses “word of mouth” as our best and finest ministry effort.
Now a new ministry tool will make sharing how to listen to THRU the BIBLE even easier. A “Bible Bus Pass” includes the information your friend, neighbor, family, etc., needs to know. When you hand it to them, tell them what studying the Bible means to you and how they might join you “on the Bible Bus.”

This first blue pass has a QR code and website information on how to listen to THRU the BIBLE. Future Bus Passes will direct to other resources. We made it a convenient size, easy to have ready in your wallet or as a bookmark.
You can request cards (free of charge) in packs of 10. Just call us at 1 (800) 65-BIBLE or drop us an email at [email protected]. And let us know how you use them—we love your creativity and personal interaction.
Together, let’s take the whole Word to the whole world—beginning with our own!