Articles & News

A Love Letter from Canada

February 01, 2023

Praise God for ministry partners in Canada! We’ve always had a fruitful partnership with our Canadian friends, and it just keeps getting better. The Bible Bus in Canada is getting bigger—and with it, their impact and vision is growing to take the whole Word to the whole World. All we can say is a sincere, thank you. 

As a group, our Canadian Bible Bus family is in a unique position to sponsor several important ministry efforts this year.

Home Groups in India

The THRU the BIBLE Home Group ministry has become a primary area of focus and support for TTB-Canada, including all the funding. The scope of impact has significantly expanded in India, especially with more than 10,000 registered Home Groups, though the number is likely much higher.

Roman, a listener from St. Leonard, QC shares, “God is answering prayers in Montreal. Thru the Bible is on two radio stations and recently another less powerful radio station has been given the go ahead to broadcast Christian programs. I continue to pray the streets of Montreal will be flooded and saturated with the gospel in French and English!”

Ministry in Closed Countries

Exceeding expectations—that’s the short answer to, “How is ministry going in the places where the gospel is restricted?” Because at times it’s safest to not share location details, we invite you to share in the excitement of some unexpected news. Imagine our surprise to find out that we have over 5,000 Home Groups in closed countries?! Through very simple digital technology, we are today taking THRU the BIBLE into homes and to individual’s phones. The story is often told about how someone plays THRU the BIBLE on a media player or on their phone so others can hear it across a field or in the next hut, and they eventually ask if they can listen together—and a new Home Group begins!

Now you may think this way of doing ministry is new. It isn’t—home groups are how the early church was built and thrived. We are simply using the technology available to us today to make this happen.

Donna, on the World Prayer Team, praying from Ottawa: “Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. At 77 … I’ve discovered how dear the people are around the world as I pray for them. I was amazed how much we all have our struggles together, which has brought me closer to each one of them. I can’t imagine how wonderful it’s going to be when we all together, hand in hand, praise God for His goodness, strength, grace, and mercy. Thank you for carrying on Thru the Bible’s ministry that helps us all to grow in Christ.”

New Projects

Our Canadian listening family are also making several new projects possible, including:

  • expanding our reach and ministry in the Caribbean,
  • standing alongside resource program production and distribution in India,
  • increasing our reach into two closed countries in South Asia, and
  • growing ministry in East and West Africa. God is opening doors beyond our expectations.

Ministry is only possible when we all work together. Not only does our Canadian family keep all the Canadian stations on the air, their prayer and giving support also invites people around the globe to hear the message of hope found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.