Articles & News

Getting our heads and hearts back on track

November 29, 2018

“The enemy is always on attack, but listening to this broadcast helps to get my head and heart back on track.”

That’s what we hear from a young missionary named Harrison in Peru. He continues,

“I’m only 24 years old and Dr. McGee’s teaching helps me understand the Scriptures and answers my questions. I listen every day and I would say it is the most important substance in my spiritual diet. Thank you for being my partner in ministry.”

Isn’t that a great letter? Does God’s Word get your head and heart back on track too? Together let’s praise Him for the opportunity we have to study His Word and know Him better. And let’s pray for Harrison and other missionaries, that God’s Word will be a source of strength and comfort as they serve Him today.

Join us tomorrow as World Prayer Today celebrates in Hawaii.