Articles & News

Restoring families in Cuba

February 14, 2020

While change has been slow to come to the island of Cuba, the last decade has seen several important shifts in politics and culture. But make no mistake, the totalitarian government is still in strict control of many things including personal liberties, the majority of jobs, and the existence of churches.

Welcome, World Prayer Team! We’re excited to pray together today. Despite these strict regulations and what some call state hostility, God’s Word is definitely working in the hearts of His people. Listen to this letter from Alfredo, a fellow Bible Bus passenger who joins us in his native language of Spanish.

“Listening to your study is like God talking to me in a special way. He’s given me encouragement, faith, and strength because I am in the task of starting again and restoring my family. I am grateful for the spiritual growth and thank God for the existence of this ministry that you have. May God bless you greatly as you bless families like mine.”

Praise God for His work in the lives of listeners like Alfredo. Today pray that God’s Word speaks personally to more individuals and families in Cuba, bringing about change and spiritual growth for His glory.

Grab your passport and join us next week as we travel on our knees through Central Asia.