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“I am no longer Muslim … now my identity is as a son of God.”

January 14, 2022

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. -Galatians 3:26 

“In Northern Africa, Islam is not just a religion, it’s a part of who we are. It’s woven into the fabric of our identity.” 

That’s what we hear from one Bible Bus passenger in Algeria. He continues: 

“To follow Jesus, no matter how devout (or not) we are, we may be giving up our family, our country, and part of ourselves. I did not make this decision quickly; it took much time, prayer and reflection. I am no longer Muslim. I am now wholeheartedly devoted to Jesus. Now my identity is as a son of God, and you are my family.” 

Today pray boldly for all those in North Africa who are willing to hear God’s Word and consider His promises. Pray they realize God is ready to give them a new identity, to accept them as His heir, a full-grown son or daughter. One that He loves so much He provided a way to spend eternity with Him.  

Know someone who needs to hear the good news today? Download Dr. McGee’s free digital booklet, “God So Loved” (based on John 3:16) today.  

God’s Word is restoring a family in South America. Hear more next time on World Prayer Today. 

Listen here to TTB-Arabic.