Articles & News

“God’s Word … helps me forget my hurts”

March 09, 2022

Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.” –Hebrews 6:1

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Our journey today brings us to the Philippines where God’s Word is at work in the hearts of listeners like these:

“I am a father and a husband. I am worried for my children in this world. It’s a great thing that despite what’s going on around us right now, the Word of God remains our anchor. Thank you for the message today. God bless you!”

Another listener writes: “I have never been to church, but through your programs I have great faith in God. I am grateful that I can listen and glean truths from the Word of God. Please continue to enlighten me. God bless you!”

From a grieving widow: "I always listen to your program. Every time, it makes me feel so light and helps me forget my hurts. Listening also makes me feel I am well-fed by the Word of God!"

A couple writes: “Good day. It is really pleasant to hear your program. We just want you to know that since my husband’s stroke, he had been listening to your program every day. We want to thank you for what you are doing."

Let’s pray together today. As we do, let’s thank God for people who are hungry for His Word, and ask Him to grow their faith as they join us on the Bible Bus each day:

Father, thank You for all those who commit to studying God’s Word with us, especially those in the Philippines. As we open our Bibles, give us understanding and a deeper knowledge of You and Your Word. As we listen to Dr. McGee, take us deeper, help us to see and understand Jesus and the way in which He lived His life, so that we can follow in His footsteps. In His name we pray, amen.

Hear Gregg and Steve talk about the good things happening in Vietnam on THRU the BIBLE tomorrow. Then join us as we travel there on our knees.

Listen here to TTB-Ilocano.