“I am delighted to know Jesus”
September 06, 2022
Welcome, World Prayer Team, be glad with us as we hear from a husband and wife in West Bengal, India, who recently joined the Bible Bus in their language of Bengali. Here’s their story:
“My name is Som and I heard the name of Jesus and wondered who He was. A bit later, I was switching through the channels on my radio station and came across your program. I was happy that I was able to learn more about Jesus in the comfort of my own home. I was touched by what I heard and began to listen more. I am delighted to know Jesus. I thought my husband would be upset, but he just started listening with me. Now we both want to accept Jesus as our Savior. My earnest request is that you guide us on what we need to do.”
Sixty-seven million Bengalis live in West Bengal. They are the majority in the state and the world’s largest unreached ethnic group. Today praise God His Word is heard in this region. Thank Him for the work His Spirit is doing in the hearts of listeners like these and for the amazing teams of people who are His hands and feet on the ground. May His name be praised throughout West Bengal and beyond.
Ninety-nine percent of Pakistanis are unreached with the gospel. Meet one who recently heard it on THRU the BIBLE as our World Prayer journey continues tomorrow.
Listen here to TTB-Bengali.