Praying for clean hears and renewed spirits in Norway
June 06, 2023
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. -Psalm 51:10
Welcome, World Prayer Team. Today we ask God’s blessing on the country of Norway, where church membership is high but actual attendance and genuine belief are low.
So, as we travel on our knees, here are a few things we can ask God to do:
- Bring revival throughout the country.
- Establish a deep commitment to biblical faith in those who follow Him.
- Re-establish the roots of Norway’s rich Christian past.
Let’s pray now and use Psalm 51 as our guide:
Father, thank You for Your mercy and for restoring us when we stray. We ask You to draw close to Your people in Norway and bring revival to the church and country. We pray Your people will once again hunger for Your Word and seek Your face. As they call upon you, Lord, cleanse their hearts and renew their spirits. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Tomorrow we’re praying for God’s Word to be relevant in Sweden. Meet us there.
Listen here to TTB-Norwegian.