Not ready for God? Think again.
August 10, 2023
If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me. -Psalm 139:8-10
“As a child, I knew God was there, that He was with me, I just didn’t know what to do about it.”
That’s the beginning of a letter we received from Abdoulaye in Cameroon. He continues:
“My entire family is Muslim. At 12, my father died and I went to live with my grandfather. We spent a lot of time at the mosque. I also spent a lot of time at a milling machine next to our house. There, a gentleman told us he became a Christian. Soon I saw a change in his way of doing things, and I asked him about it. He invited me to come to church. That night when I got home, my grandfather was very angry and threatened to throw me out on the street. So I recommitted myself to Islam.
“There were many other instances over the years that God made Himself known to me, but on my 18th birthday I went to my uncle’s house and heard the gospel again. That’s when I told the Lord I was ready for Him.
“It was really a fight. My mother disowned me, and my entire family persecuted me. In spite of it all, God was faithful. Today I live in faith and listen to your program daily. My mother started listening with me and has become a Christian, too. She has now invited her entire family to believe in Jesus. I’m so happy God didn’t give up on me and continued to let me know He was there. No matter where I lived or with whom (I was bounced around a lot), He was there. I thank Him for that, and I thank you for helping me to know Him better.”
Today read Psalm 139 and thank God that long before we were born, He had a plan for our lives. Like Abdoulaye, thank Him for actively pursuing us, even when we don’t respond. As His Word goes out today in Cameroon, may more people hear it and realize God is with them. Regardless of where they go and what they face, He is ready for them to turn to Him and let Him lead their lives.
Get ready to praise God tomorrow in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Listen here to TTB-African English.